Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 44 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Less than week left! We are 44 Days in and rollin, rollin, rollin! Its freaking New Years Eve!!!! I dont get as excited about the holidays as I used to back in my younger days but tonight I know that some club in Cardiff, Wales will have people vibing to my music! That I will drink to! No resolutions set as I want to keep improving day by day from 44 days ago forward!

I got a majority of the list for submissions done today. Still need to get the files converted to WAV. format. I have been slacking in that department but will definitely get around to it, I promise. The Clean Up Man video has been confirmed as a go on the VEVO and 2 other sites that pay out. I dont plan on doing ANY promo on that one initially.

I want to see who is paying attention and what it can do on its own. I was just about to make a remark about calling out the people coming out now that I have outside support but remembered I said something about it already lol.

I sat by the pool last evening and put all of the physical disc into cases. Posted a pic on my Instagram which in-turn posted pics to my other social media sites! I may start selling the physical copies early but I havent decided yet. If you need a physical copy feel free to contact me and I will make that happen!

As usual, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #Awesome #TeamUK #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 43 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

43 and at this current moment I cant think of anything witty that goes with it, lol, but we are that many days in and rollin, rollin, rollin! I am about to leave work shortly and figured I'd knock the blog out before I got home and got caught up gaming or doing other things! Yesterday was an #Awesome day by the way. Lets get right into it!

We gone start with the highlight and thats the love I have been getting from The UK in the last few days! I'm talking about mad love from The UK! There is a station out there called Radio Cardiff 98.7FM and they have been spinning #Awesome 2-3 times a day! One of the host is a guy name @Schwarz_BBC4L (on twitter) and he's been beyond cool!

He had me call in and do an interview over the radio, in The UK! I had to add international long distance on my phone and everything! Well worth it though. Though him I also linked up with some DJ's out that way and in communication about adding #Awesome to their playlist! On top of that, a very popular DJ by the name of @DJBlack (on twitter) will be spinning #Awesome on #NYE (New Years Eve) in his sets!

The 2 paragraphs above alone had me on cloud nine! I got my reviews back from ReverbNation and it was harsh but genuine and I needed that. It showed me there is still people out there looking for content, there are also people out there who dont care for content, and all around let me know I am on the right path.

The press release was complete and sent out for distribution. The release is literally one week away! I can wait and at that point its only the beginning! It was crazy to see how the love came out once I started getting love from outsiders. My facebook is jumping right now and I literally have done nothing different in the last 24 hours that I've done in the last 43 days! It's all good though, because I called it like a pool shot!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #Awesome #TeamUK #BBC4L #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 42 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Oh yeah! Looking like Ronnie Lott out here! 42 Days in, and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Hello everyone! I didnt get to blog yesterday but I did get a little bit of work in. I packaged up some of the physical copies of #TheResumeEP. That was about it lol. I was abducted by some out of town family and taken to a cookout/watch party. I had a few drinks, ate, came home, ate again, and went to bed.

Came in to work early today. I got back on track with the submissions and uploaded another track fro the EP to +SoundCloud and got a couple more spins on Cardiff Radio in The UK. I just started the push on the +ReverbNation app and next is local promo. Got in contact with a local DJ who is hosting an event mid Jan. Awaiting a reply, I'll keep you guys posted.

Nothing much going on today. I feel kinda strange writing this early. I shall continue throughout the day with submissions and making moves in the back office for the greater good. "The Greater Good" LMAO If you seen the movie +Hot Fuzz you know what I'm talking about!

As usual, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #SlugfestENT
O. Smith

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Day 40 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Looking like Shawn Kemp out here! 40 Days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin!!! I feel phenomenal as usual! In my ShadyXV vibe right now! With each passing day, things just seem to keep getting better! I'm loving it, bah dah dah dah daaaaaah! Alright we bout to get right into it!

So this morning, I was in touch with some affiliates of a radio station in the UK. +Radio Cardiff will be spinning #Awesome over the next week or so and if the response is good enough it could make regular rotation! I'm also looking at setting up an on air interview with them as well! This is one of the few moves I am working on in the UK.

I submitted some tracks to another batch of licensing companies. Most of them are on holiday leave so I wont get result til mid to late Jan. I still got a long list to go. I try to knock off about 20 per day. I still need to get the wav. versions in my email so I can send to the ones who only use those.

I had a long convo about fans and supporters at work with some of my fellow employees. Somehow through my personality I gained 3 fans of my music from work and a couple supporters on that merit alone. Loving it I am!

I will only have Sunday off so I might not do too much as I will be back on it, on it bright and early Monday morning!

As usual, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #Awesome
O. Smith

Friday, December 26, 2014

Day 39 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

39 24's on this journey and we rollin, rollin, rollin! So I had a partial epiphany somewhere between leaving work and going to sleep! I mean it wasnt all that magical because I kinda only stated the obvious but I guess it was awesome because I somehow did not realize it until then. I'm usually quick on my feet about most things, especially things like that. To the point, I realized that this journey has gotten me back to being more independent and self sufficient. I have been on such a long hiatus (on and off) and havent really pushed for anything outside of video games and food!

With each day, minus the days I spent playing +Destiny the Game for 18+ hours, I found myself working harder and harder towards this goal. It also started to spill over into my personal life as well. The ambition, the drive, the willingness to do again! What an #Awesome feeling!

 I spent most of the day haggling prices with people to transcribe my book idea. The other half I have been submitting the new songs to any and everywhere I could. I got this long ass list and I am working it, site by site! Its over 100 and I am only 20 in. I need to get the song on my work computer in WAV format for the sites that did not accept MP3. I also need to get a more in depth description of the tracks. I was never asked that before!

No more hourly post of the video. It's too much and if someone has not seen it yet, it's because they don't want to watch it. I will continue to post videos though. Just not the same one all day! People that know me won't listen to my music when promoted by me but I guarantee once it is push by outside or unknown people it will magically become a great song! LMAO! FOH!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#Awesome #GetRight #SlugfestENT

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Day 38 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

38 days in and, you guessed it, we rollin, rollin, rollin! Merry Christmas everyone! I know I had a long, long spillage of information yesterday and due to it being Christmas Eve not much has changed since. It has been a pretty good day at work. Not as slow as I expected but not that bad. I didnt play +Destiny the Game last night. Watched a few episodes of +The Walking Dead and had a few drinks. I ended up going to sleep earlier than usual and waking up on the same tone.

I used the time this morning to update my +SoundCloud account and I added #Awesome #CleanUpMan & #CreatedAMonster for a project that will embed my player on their site. Oh man! I had a back and fourth with a person getting ready to review the EP and his words about my work ethic even before he heard the project had me feeling wonderful. It felt great to be recognized for the work that I put in. Even better by someone who never met me before!

I have been trying to put some work into this book of mine but man its hard! I hate typing because my mind goes faster than I can type, especially when recalling some of the information. I can type new and random things without much stress. When I pull from what I know its harder due to my thought speed. I have started looking for assistance. Checking rates from Craigslist and other sources. I think I will try my social media for some assistance for the low though because the rates I have gotten so far are higher than expected.

I got the #CleanUpMan video and it needs a tweak or two and it will be ready for release. I may drop it early into the new year right before #TheResumeEP is released. On that note, I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and goodnight!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

#SlugfestENT #GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Day 37 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Oh yeah! 37 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! The last update was right before my usual 3.5 day hiatus, and yes, I spent most of that time playing video games! Got a lot of +Destiny the Game in and even got back into some +Grand Theft Auto V during that time. I did get some things done on the journey though. I had a few setbacks as well.

We will start with the bad stuff. I hired someone to write up a press release for the EP. They cancelled due to whatever the case was. This has been the second person to do so. Only one shirt was sold during the campaign which made the campaign dead. Thats about all the bad that I can think of at the moment. On to the good!

Lets first counter the bad! I got someone else on the job for the press release & got faith they will deliver! I am going to run another Shirt campaign starting right after Christmas. I will only run it for about 2 weeks to see how it runs. I have gotten back in touch with +Misty Malec aka Tampa Mystic to get my music out through her channels! She is a great plug in the industry and a great person overall!

I added some spins to my +Radio Airplay Italia account. Got 2 followers today alone. I need to get on there and change the artist stations my tracks run on. I got submissions sent to about 200 UK local FM and College Radio Stations. I'm looking at getting some contacts in the UK to get more content and exposure in The UK. I also submitted the EP for review on +ReverbNation through the Crowd Review program.

The video for "Clean Up Man" is complete and running a few teasers here and there. I will most likely save it for right before the EP release date or sometime shortly there after! It will also be available on VEVO upon release. The +Vevo channel is already setup and awaiting the video. On that tone, "Awesome" is being altered to fit the VEVO criteria so I can add it on there as well!

I signed up for ReverbNation Pro today. I submitted a ton of things from the opportunities page! I misspelled a word a second ago and it made me remember that I have started back on my book. There is a few post on my +Tumblr page in my archives. It's called "Adventures Of A Slay Guru". I am also looking into starting my own publishing company, but thats another conversation.

That was a lot! As usual, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

#GetRight #Awesome #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Day 33 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

33 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Man, between this one and the last one aint much change.Today has been a pretty slow day. No worthy emails, nobody tweeting me, nothing on the business line, and even a slow day at work! Like literally today crawled and is still crawling. Got a little over an hour left at work then homeward bound.

Due to no major changes, I guess I can talk to yall about whats going on with my life personally. Can I do that? Is that okay with yall? Excellent! Dont judge me, I know I aint got em all. Anyway there isnt much going on in my personal life that I care to discuss yet because I am more of a private person when it comes to information. The thought of telling some things just brought ideas of something to talk about though.

I have been half ass working on this book. Its turning out to be an erotica based loosely on my life and times. I'm still looking for the background and direction of the endgame. I have the good stuff down without a problem and have written about 12 short stories but my problem is all the book details people seek or that is the norm in the book world. Stuff like expressing generic emotions and pointing out the color of a table or walls in the room.

I have been looking for a stenographer or someone to type my words out because I be too lazy to write them but I could tell stories for days! I even offered some of the people I work with like $7 an hour for their services! LMAO I mean its tax free money, no solid hours, and no stupid job rules. Sound like a nice lil side job!

In any event, #TheResumeEP will be available 1-6-15! The single "Awesome" is available now on +ReverbNation You can also pre-order the EP on iTunes & Amazon! Tomorrow is the last day for shirts but the campaign will be back as soon as I get some new designs started. Dont forget to check out the review by +Rick Jamm on JamSphere Magazine.

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #SlugfestENT
O. Smith

Friday, December 19, 2014

Day 32 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Yeah!!!!!! 32 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Man in my head when I type that I be crunk! Sometimes I start bouncing for real! I almost fell back into my feelings the other day lol. I climbed up out of them though. I was a little disappointed about the shirt sales, I mean I still am but I almost allowed it to make me stop pushing it! On top of that I got an email this morning and it excited me because it was positive from the subject. When I got to work I read the email and was more excited. I hit the link and was was like WTF.

The email was for a review of #TheResumeEP from +Rick Jamm of JamSphere Magazine and the first have of the interview was most of the bio I wrote for myself. I kinda blanked out for a second and replied to asked what happened to the review. He asked me to read the entire review. I went back and read the entire article....I offered an apology for jumping the gun lol. The review was great and if you are reading this I recommend you check it out. The Resume EP Review

Then, I found a better proxy so I was able to get my +ReverbNation phone app up and running for Andriod phones. I am posting the shirts and video every hour, with the video at the top of the hour and shirts at the half hour mark! Every now and then I drop the link to the audio tracks and review.

On the final stretch I will be pushing heavy in the UK and the local area surrounding me. I need to make some more UK contacts because its so hard. Gotta get a hold of my carrier and see what international long distance options I have. I have already found someone to submit the songs to radio stations and local press. I just need to see if I can get someone on the ground for physical distribution.

All in all, from yesterday to today, I am feeling "Awesome" pun intended!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #SlugfestENT
O. Smith

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Day 31 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

31 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! At whole, whole month! So my tee shirt campaign was a bust or is rather because its still a few days left but only sold one. All is well though, I will bring back the designs for the next single as well as new shirts for that song as well! Initially I was disappointed then I realized I have been at this stage before and it was almost inevitable for a different outcome. It did get me to change my focus and adjust accordingly.

I got confirmation of more submissions to colleges and FM radio stations throughout the US. I will be submitting to the UK area early next week and hope to be in rotation by the beginning of the year. I also need to see if i can find a team out there to promote the SMS code to get the song directly on the phones of UK fans.

Going +ReverbNation Pro on Monday to take advantage of some of the thing they have. Going to do the trial and see what numbers come from that. I got back on +Radio Airplay Italia and will start in rotation on Monday there as well. I have not heard back from Pandora yet. The order for the cd inserts should be here by Wednesday or Thursday.

Now I need to focus on my ground game. Gotta put +Destiny the Game down on my days off and hit the local places that have music and DJ's and get the music in their hands. I also have to see if I can get others on board in areas out of town to do the same. Got a fresh flash drive for the all digital DJ's with all the music on there and getting the track dropped in a DJ pool next week as well.

31 days in and its been crazy already and this isnt even me going full time grind! I will definitely step on the gas now. I have one more out of town, personal trip and next year if it aint work, its music! With a little bit of games in there.......Dont judge me, I'm addicted lol!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! Any support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Day 30 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Wow a whole month in! We rollin, rollin, rollin! I know I have been M.I.A. for the last few days. I took a lil time to game binge & relax. In that downtime I did almost nothing social media wise or promo wise. I kinda locked myself in my room, played the game, ate, and slept. I do a lot of my blogging and promo from work and I need to find a way to bring it home. Once I walk in the doors of my abode I am off the clock from everything! Working on changing that though.

My press release was cancelled so I had to hire another person to do it. Hopefully it can be out by the end of the week, My submissions to the UK radio stations have been pushed back to Monday and I may set the Clean Up Man video back as well. The EP is still on track as far as release date and if I havent said already the SMS for "Awesome" in the UK is live. By texting "Awesome" to 85888. You will then be directed to a webpage where you can download the track straight away. If you are using a Windows phone or an iPhone, you will be directed to the same page, but will need to enter an email address for the track to be sent to.

I have been featured on a few blogs during the downtime and will have links posted across all my social media sites within the next few hours. The song is in current rotation on a few internet radio sites and awaiting the approval from +Pandora I have the physical copies of the product pressed up and waiting on the artwork inserts. They should be here sometime next week.

I just had a flashback to my early days of grinding on this music tip. I remember I had a room with 3 desktop comps that I rebuilt system wise and bought cd burners for. I would sit in my room and burn copy after copy of my content, one at at time. It was tough but at the time necessary. I need to find that fire back! Even a portion of that flame will be more than enough.

As usual, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Friday, December 12, 2014

Day 25 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

25 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Its been a long but productive day! Long because I got little to no sleep playing +Destiny the Game til 5-6am this morning but productive because I was able to get the ball rolling on a few things, all to be discussed shortly! Sorry for the late post but I wanted to get as much done as possible before updating the journey.

First we start off on the bad side of things, my interview with Misty on DaGr8FM was cancelled due to someone behind the scenes requesting monies. Its not that I could not pay or wasnt willing to pay, its the fact that whoever said I had to pay, said so because I was invited on the show previously. I fuxz with Misty though and will support her segment but I can not accept that.

Now that thats out of the way, today I got someone in the process of writing up my Press Release for #TheResumeEP, I submitted the entire project for review by a internet/physical magazine +Rick Jamm call JamSphere, I got the single "Awesome" and a surprise track in rotation on ToneFlame, as well as the video placed on their website, I also got the single sent out to 500 College Radio Stations, and 1000 Blogs, DJ's, & Booking Agents!

Tonight I will submit all possible submissions for +ReverbNation as I will cancel the press kit service tomorrow. I may bring it back but right now nothing is biting. Time to change the bait! I need to get some tracks on my sound cloud because it is super empty. I am still pushing the tee shirt campaign and its funny that I sold the first one the other night. Its even more funny because the person who bought it has only know and been around me for less than 6 months! They riding though and I am beyond grateful!

I got a lot to do when I get home as well as get my daily Destiny in! I wont stay up too late tonight though because I got one more 12 hour shift then its 3 days off to play games and ease on down the road to #TheResumeEP

On another note I got the +BlogTalkRadio show tonight with +Arrion Moses +terk linkx & the rest of the crew on Hip Hop at the Round Table. First half of the show for me will be done in the car because it starts when I get off work! Oh well I enjoy being a busy body again!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Day 24 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Wzup readers and riders! 24 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Its an awesome day today. I woke feeling wonderful! I have added the shirts in my hourly post and hired someone to assist with the promotion. I will have them come in around Christmas to assist with the next video and shirt campaign. I need to start design planning for the next one and I think I will bring back the white one that I have now because I like that one, lol!

The interview on DaGr8FM is locked in and promo for that will start as soon as the flyer is done from them. I will push it via twitter until then. Getting a new press kit and press release setup for distribution to media outlets. I need to update my bio sometime soon to streamline it for more current events are highlighted.

We are still in cruise control but I am about to put my foot on the gas and pick up some ground. Awaiting confirmation of a few moves then I can put the pedal to the metal! Oh, by the way, someone bought a shirt last night! 1 down and a whole lot more to go! Only like 10 days left in the shirt campaign! they can be found at the link!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance for said support!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Day 23 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Day 23 and I know, I missed a few days which will be explained shortly but, we still rollin, rollin, rollin! So, as you may have noticed, I have not been updating the trip accordingly. Initially due to forgetting I was going forward in time heading to Vegas and then just because I was doing way too much while there! Upon return I had the opportunity but was too caught up in the new DLC from +Destiny the Game Which is awesome by the way but wont dwell on that right now.

I took a weekend vacation to Las Vegas to go to the +PlayStation Experience by +PlayStation Me and my baby went and had a blast! I got to meet Game Developers, Designers, Creators, Producers, CEO's, and Marketing Personnel. Meet +PlayWarframe +EdgeGamers Organization +Ubisoft +Electronic Arts +Bungie Destiny and a ton of other indie guys, all with great games and demos of whats to come. I was able to collect the whole set of playing cards that were there. I even got most of the set autographed by developers and producers. I was intoxicated the entire time I wasnt at the conference and thoroughly enjoyed myself.

I picked up the business cards, if I havent said so already, and was able to get a a nice about out at the conference. I got 5000 pressed up and will post the photos on my other social media sites some time tomorrow! Now on to the rest of this road trip.

So I am over 3 weeks in and the stats look like so:

Music plays
Awesome Explicit - 10
Awesome Edited - 3

Music sales
Awesome Explicit - 0
Awesome Edited - 0

Video plays
Awesome - 68

Shirt sales
Shirt type 1 - 0
Shirt type 2 - 0
Shirt type 3 - 0
Shirt type 4 - 0


The Resume EP - 0

The Resume EP - 0

This means one of two things to me. Either I dont have the support I thought I had or everybody is busy and broke! In any event, I feel some type of way right now. It literally takes less than 5 mins to watch the video or listen to the song (if its horrible and you dont like it, this post wasnt for you anyway) the single is $0.99, the whole EP is less than $5, and the shirts are only $15! If you havent done any of the above, fuck you and thank you. It is because of you I will push harder! It is because of you I will not lose! I dont need half ass supporters, if you aint behind my shit like you are the bullshit you follow that the media shoves down your throat and you love it, get the fuck off the ride! My apologies to those who make up the few numbers there and those who plan to make the eventual purchase but I find it odd that, as a person who knows, personally hundreds of people, my numbers look like that. Its almost laughable, actually it is laughable! But, I am fine now and this is my first and last outburst concerning this matter.

With that being said, the shirt campaign ends in 11 days, the song will be for sale forever, and the video will be online for the same time frame! A new video is on the horizon and the UK campaign is about to start very soon. Got the interview with +Misty International on DaGr8FM this Sunday and working on getting some music blog interviews setup.

As always, thanks for thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Day 19 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

19 days in and you guessed it. We rollin, rollin, rollin! I'm so sorry about yesterday you guys, somehow how I'm my mind I figured I would be able to do the post on West Coast time and still be cool. Not thinking that it is 3 hours behind! So since its early as hell on EST let me let you know whats going on. I got out of work Thursday night and took a lil nap then got up and played +Destiny the Game till about 9 am. Made some noodles and took another nap. Got up and went to pick up my business cards (pictures coming soon). Then headed down to Miami to pick up my lil brother cuz he coming to Las Vegas with me. I didn't get to do much as far as the road trip goes, outside of getting the cards.

I met a business man on the flight, which was long as hell by the way, with whom I chopped it up with throughout the flight and we exchanged info. He may become a great asset in the future. We landed about 11pm Vegas time and after we checked in we took a lil tour of the hotel/casino we staying in. +Circus Circus Hotel & Casino is pretty cool. Most things were closed but can't wait till later this morning when we head to the Venetian for the +Playstation Experience

Me and lil bro walked the strip while I sipped on this 100 oz vodka infused drink I bought! Its like a 3 feet tall cup! We went inside Caesars Palace and it was nice. The strip was lit and full of people. The cab driver who brought us back to the Circus gave us some spots to check out. Bout to lay it down for a quick nap cuz I'm kinda toasted right now! I may post again sometime after the conference about my progress.

I plan on passing out cards and I brought some physical cd's to give away/sale as well. I also want to see if I can find an open mic out here! That would be "Awesome" pun intended. We got about 48 plus more hours here and I plan to make the best of it!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is appreciated and thanks in advance!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #SlugfestENT
O. Smith

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Day 17 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

17 days in, and we rollin, rollin, rollin! On the road trip side of things we are on a road with trees on each side and all traffic going in one direction. Not much to report over the since the last blog. I will be going to pick up my business cards in the morning and tomorrow night I will be flying out to Vegas. While out there I will be pushing everything heavy on the face to face tip with potential fans. Yes, I am an avid +PlayStation gamer and will definitely enjoy the conference/experience but my main goal is making my way down this road.

I got in touch with my partner +Darin Givens who is currently incarcerated, but we spoke about a few things via email. It made me realize somethings that I had already saw but wanted not to be as true as they are. I'm on this trip solo. There are no fixtures (outside of new fans) that are assisting and the ones that are have an agenda or have been paid to do so. The game has changed a whole lot and everybody is looking for a quick dollar. Its crazy because theres no more trust, theres no more love, theres no more real chemistry among people anymore. For the right.....hell not even the right price, for a few dollars more, people will abandon ship!

Its okay though I am glad to be on this trip alone because when I make it to my destination I wish a bitch would attempt to come at me as an ally. I'm on my Santa Clause shit! Im making a list and checking it twice! Its a lotta chunks of coal to be passed out lol!

Now that that's off my chest, everything else is good. Promo in other states are about to begin as well as a campaign in the UK that should be off the ground within the next week or two. I'm also going to try to get in the studio to finish the LP. I got a couple songs already done and I push a project to a fellow spitter for a duo project. Awaiting his response.

Well, that's it for today! As always thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

O. Smith
#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Day 16 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Good early evening everybody! Its day 16 and you guessed it! We rollin, rollin, rollin! Today I got a late start due to being up all night playing +Ubisoft The Crew. After spending like 6 hours trying to beat the Templar on +Destiny the Game since the patch. That shit was crazy! Took a break and got back at it with my normal crew and we got it done. I digress. So I think I told yall about the houston plug yesterday and I got an email from another company interested in assisting with pushing the project. I didnt go pick up the business card this morning because I didnt go to sleep til like 9am this morning. I will pick them up tomorrow morning before going to work or worst case Friday since I do not have to come in.

Speaking of not coming in on Friday, its because I will be flying out to Vegas Friday night! Its going to be "Awesome", pun intended. I will be able to market my music and play video games at the same damn time. I need to press up some more give away's for the trip for the people who are afraid to try something new. I also need to start working on a DVD with some of my recent content as well as some highlights so when I hit a venue I can take over the screens. Like a propaganda video! Flashes of my logo and label! Me on stages and interviews! Behind the scenes footage and whatnot.

I need to push the sales of the shirts so I can start making more moves as I come up towards the release of the next single! Yes, it is very close but I will reveal that date and have previews up soon. I will be pushing those heavily in the next 2 weeks. Getting a flyer ready for that by Friday.

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is appreciated and thanks in advance!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith
O. Smith

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Day 15 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Day 15 and we rollin, rollin, rollin! My apologies for not posting anything yesterday. I wanted to and planned on it but I got caught playing +Destiny the Game and by the time I stopped I had to get ready for the video release party, which by the way did not turn out as planned in no way, shape, or form. All is well though, because we still had a blast, they played the music, and we now know who not to fuck with when it comes to that aspect of business.

So in the last 48 hours or so, outside of playing the game, I just started a promo run for in Houston, Texas. I got a plug through +Noonie Junior who also shot my latest video! I got DJ E from DaGr8 FM to put my music in his Monday night rotation between 6-10PM EST. Also feel free to call in and request it at anytime. You can reach them by dialing 786-431-1979 or going to Just ask for "Awesome" by O. Smith. My business cards are printed up and I will pick them up in the morning! I was able to make a cameo on the +BlogTalkRadio show even though I was at the event. Got to speak with @DatBoyPrep for a brief moment about the lil BET, UFF situation.

Right now I am about to double check some sites to make sure everything is being tracked accordingly as I just got back a few more registration confirmations from BMI. After that its off to +ReverbNation for submissions, +Twitter for tweets, +Facebook+ Fan Page for attention, and +Teespring to push the shirts. Among a few other things I need to take care of. By then dinner should be done and I can resume trying to beat the Vault of Glass on +Destiny the Game

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and thanks in advance!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #TheResumeEP
O. Smith

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 13 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

How's it going out there everyone?!?! 13 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! We are less than 24 hours from the release of the Awesome video! I have set it to release via +YouTube at 8AM Monday morning. The single can be purchased via +ReverbNation on my page. I will post the links below so you don't have to search. I will post the links for the pre-order of the full EP as well. I stayed up all night playing +Destiny the Game so I didn't get started on the road trip till early this afternoon.

So far I have updated my ReverbNation page with current EP artwork as well as submitted some press kits to various contest. I have uploaded a screenshot of the EP on through my +Instagram +Facebook+ Fan Page +Twitter +Foursquare & +Tumblr sites. Also posted the single itself on a few of the aforementioned sites. Every hour or so I will post something across the board as well as continue to update things. I have to get started on the +Teespring store sometime this evening so it can be up and running by tomorrow!

Outside of the above, I plan to just kick back and play the game in-between the hours. Relaxing before the big party tomorrow night and due to my trip to Vegas I will most likely be working Monday and Tuesday morning! So I will enjoy my Sunday the way I usually do!

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is greatly appreciated and I thank you in advance!

O. Smith
#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 12 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Almost 2 full weeks in and we rollin, rollin, rollin! Last night I confirmed 2 sites with the link for the pre-sale of the EP. Its is currently on and +iTunes It can be found by searching "The Resume EP" I felt so Awesome (pun intended) when I saw the cover art after searching for it! My first official release is just over a month from being released World Wide. I have been around and in music for 15+ years and have made my share of money and meet great contacts, but I have never put out anything "Official" or to this scale! Excited but I will be more once the actual release date is here!

My +BlogTalkRadio show had @born_revamped on last night and it was a pretty good show. It got intense when the older generation was speaking on how things have changed and they not liking it but the perks of the changes they are all for. Needless to say I was the person to point out change comes with pros and cons. Shouts to +Arrion Moses  +terk linkx and the rest of the crew. If interested you can search Hip Hop at the Round Table.

Sorry about the interjection, I digress, so this morning I have been cleaning up most of my social media sites to get ready for the hopeful traffic they will have between now and forever! Deleted old tracks from +SoundCloud  updated profiles and links on +LinkedIn started selling the single on +ReverbNation began rearranging the videos on +YouTube became more active on +Tumblr I have plans to actually leave tips on my +Foursquare I have been very very active on +Twitter and I have to wait until I am home to situate my +Myspace (yeah I still got one).

I will be posting random videos as well as the teaser throughout the next 2 days and I have a video release party setup at The Office Miami Monday night 12-1-14! I am about to get the campaign started on the tee shirts on +Teespring sometime today and well as get the ball rolling on pushing the single to DJ's and radio stations. All in all, everything is still running smoothly and I'm so grateful!

As always thanks for reading and riding. All support is appreciated. Feel free to comment, like, share, tweet, thumbs up, or whatever option is available to you to assist me, have at it!

Thanks in advance,
O. Smith #GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 11 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Hello everyone!

Just a few more days before the release of the Awesome video! For the next couple of days I will be pushing random videos and the video teaser put together by +Noonie Junior I have setup a radio interview with +Misty International on DaGr8FM radio, date TBA soon. I got in touch with a few independent sites about putting my releases on their page, awaiting responses. Getting list together for email blast as well as submissions to radio stations, College, Internet, and Local. Today has been an overall lax day due to the holiday and business not picking back up as it should have but I blame Black Friday lol.

Submitted the final changes for the business cards and should get the results soon so I can get them printed up before the Vegas trip to the +PlayStation Conference. I liked my last design but this new one is pretty sweet so far and its not even finish yet! I have been doing a lot of +Twitter work lately and have some side ventures in place. I have a seat with Hip Hop at the Round Table, along with some fellow Battle Rap fans and Hip Hop heads. +terk linkx +Arrion Moses and a few others join up for discussions on everything from music to current events on a +BlogTalkRadio station that we have setup. For more information check my twitter for links, times, and guest.

All in all Day 11 starts the path to the Awesome Single and Video release! Just a few days away! I am having a party at The Office in Miami this Monday for the video release! If you live in South Florida feel free to come through. There is a discount if you get on the guest list and that information is on a flyer posted on all of my social media sites. Mainly the +Instagram one @WhoIsOSmith.

As always, thanks for reading and riding! All support is appreciated, until tomorrow.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 10 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

10 days in and we rollin, rollin, rollin!! Today video was one of my favorite verse's off The Cover Letter Mixtape! I'm also loving the video and how I looked with the hoodie on! Its not that often that I get to wear them living in South Florida! I'm currently at work but posting videos on my various social sites every 30 minutes to an hour. From Twitter to Tumblr and a few sites in between. I got a video release party this Monday at The Office Miami in conjunction with my Day 1 Blaque Girl birthday!

Man I stayed up all night til like 4:30 am playing +Destiny the Game knowing good and well I had a 12 hour shift ahead of me lol. The life of a gamer! I wouldn't trade it for the world though! As far as the music goes all is in limbo due to it being a holiday. I will still post videos and content throughout the day on all my sites. If you are apart of any of them feel free to follow me there! About to start lining up interviews and sites to host the release of the Single and EP. Gotta get my press up!

Awaiting a response from the VEVO team about making changes to the video and what exact changes need to be made. After I calmed down I realized there was no reason to be that mad and I will work the system the way it is setup to be worked. I will have a VEVO version and I will release the first version to people through my youtube channel Subscribe when you get a chance!

About to get back to this +Criminal Minds marathon I have created! As always thanks for reading and riding. All of your support is appreciated greatly!

Thank you,
#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #TheResumeEP

Slugfest Everything by @WhoIsOSmith

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 9 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Hello readers and riders alike, 9 days in and things are close to just the promo phase. I am wrapping up some loose ends with the release of the single and getting the iTunes, Amazon, & other digital stores all setup for EP release date as well as pre-release sales. The barcode has arrived and about to send in the print work for the cover with that on the back. Just booked a show for the release of the Awesome video and as soon as I confirm the setup of stores for pre-sales I will start pumping the single through the channels I have setup and new ones as the come to my attention.

Other than that I am on chill mode. Somewhere between 2 excitements at this moment with the pending release of my first Official track and EP as well as the trip to Vegas for the +PlayStation Conference next weekend. I have been playing destiny heavy the last 48 hours or so and I have been pushing the release of the Official "Awesome" video! I am in a great space and loving every moment.

The second single will be VEVO ready and I plan to flood my channel with video after video due to them not wanting the artist to promote themselves during their footage! I'm still taken aback about that but it is what it is and I should've done more research before I took a trip down that road! Oh well the route is already set and I will drive it how I want (within their limits) I will push everyone that they have!

Once again thanks for reading and riding on this journey! All support is appreciated in advance.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Luv Me RMX by @WhoIsOSmith

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 8 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

So technically its day 9 but I kinda wanted to start writing this earlier but got caught up playing +Destiny the Game on PS4 and it kinda took me away lol. In any event today was a chill type day I didn't do much other than play video games. I got some +Warframe in with my old buddies and then spent the rest of the day on Destiny. So as far as the road trip goes today I got an email from the company I went through to get the VEVO channel setup and they didn't want to give me a refund for what I spent. At first I was ready to go to war bout it but thought about what I spent and what I can do with the opportunity and decided to just hold off on releasing Awesome on VEVO but setting up the next release for the channel. The new video for the day was No Lie RMX and I ran it a few times today, nothing major. All day tomorrow I will be running the new video and might even slide the teaser for "Awesome" throughout the day.

Today was a relax day so it's not much to give y'all. Thanks for reading and I appreciate the support!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

No Lie RMX by @WhoIsOSmith

Monday, November 24, 2014

Day 7 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

So its Day 7 and hit my first snag this morning. It turns out that VEVO has a few restrictions for uploading a video through their channel. Restrictions that I don't care too much for, especially at the level that I am at fan wise. They don't want you to promote yourself at all during the entire video and you can not have any logos of your label, team, faction, affiliates, or anything. So atm its fuck what they talm bout and keeping it moving with my current youtube channel. With that being said I love the video of the day. Its Asylum Muzik produced by my boy Luna from Gaffney, SC and the video was shot and edited by my lil brother +JJ13darealist It goes together pretty well if you ask me but judge for yourself it is on the post prior to this one.

Now that the VEVO this is out of the way its time to focus on building the buzz for the release of the single and video "Awesome". Which is visually stunning by the way. My bro +Noonie Junior shot and edited this one and did an amazing job indeed! The video will be out 12-1-14 and I might drop the song sometime this week! Other than that everything is everything and I'm making moves in the background to make sure all is........Oh man I almost forgot I got the email from BMI this morning on the rest of the registration for the songs on the EP! Beautiful they accepted the first half of the EP within days but the most important songs took them like 2-3 weeks to clear! Its gravy and all is well now.

Shouts to +DittoMusic for having a great support team in the Nashville office because they have been above and beyond helpful throughout this entire process with me. Now I just need to get all of my social sites up to par with whats coming ahead and get some interviews and other outlets on board.

Until tomorrow, thanks for reading and for traveling on this road trip. Like, comment, share, subscribe, tell a friend, retweet, and enjoy.

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

Asylum Muzik by @WhoIsOSmith

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Day 5 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Come on and ease on down, ease on down the road! Day 5 and feeling good right now. My lil brother uploaded a new video of the day! No Worries RMX! I have been posting it periodically throughout the day on my social media outlets and still need to get around to a few more that I haven't been putting any attention on. For instance my soundcloud channel has gotten no love recently but that's about to change. Today brings one of the 6 new/old videos shot in the day right before this journey began! One morning before I had to go to work he and my other brother came up and we shot all of the footage within 3-4 hours and I took off to work while he we to editing! They left while I was at work but forgot to take all of the stuff on the hard drive so he couldn't render it. So the next night I had to bride my other brother into bringing him back up to spend the night and get the work done. So he stayed up last night finishing off the rest of the videos and is still at the house now playing PS4!

Today has been a smooth day at work and I have the next 3 days off and plan to get around to some local bars and clubs to dish out some music. I also need to find some local open mic's spots to get back into performer mode. So far the road trip is going as planned and I will keep you posted with the most information right here on this blog.

I dont remember if I told you all but I am going to Las Vegas the first weekend in December for the PlayStation Conference! I am soooooooo fucking excited about this! I been team sony from the gate and I get a chance to play unreleased games and all kinds of other wonderful opportunities! It is going to be awesome! I am taking some physical copies, flyers, and business cards with me on that trip to network while there! #TheResumeEP will be know worldwide!!!

Well bout to kick back and relax until I get outta work! Until tomorrow or something major happens, thanks for reading and all support is greatly appreciated!

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith

No Worries RMX by @WhoIsOSmith

Friday, November 21, 2014

Day 4 on The road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

So I spent some of last night updating some of the sites that I am on. Its so many and crazy that I have most of them. I have been putting a lot of work into my reverbnation page lately and making some strides. Today on Day 4 I am blasting the So Sophisticated RMX. Just a short 16 I did on The Cover Letter Mixtape. Today I finalized the tracks for the EP, sent in the request for the bar-codes for physical copies, and the ISRC codes for the tracks.

So far its been a busy morning with me making calls to ensure things are in order and having to work. handling it well though, while vibin to some Big Krit! With each day on the road I feel better and better and things fall into place. This weekend I need to work my Facebook and find some venues to add to my schedule on this journey.

I have a trip to Las Vegas during the first weekend in December for a PlayStation Conference and I'm beyond excited. For those of you who don't know I am a major gamer. I mean I have more than 25 years of gaming to brag about! I have owned just about every system sold in the US commercially and still own most of them. I lost a few in a house fire a few years back, but thats for another blog.

I will spend the rest of the day posting my video on the sites that I have access to from here and networking in any way I can. Thanks for taking the time to read.

Follow anywhere @WhoIsOSmith

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #TheResumeEP

So Sophisticated RMX by @WhoIsOSmith

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Day 3 on The Road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Hello blog world (I guess),

Today is Day 3 on the journey to my first official release. So far I have blasted my content across every social media site I have and got a lil bit of assistance from some of the people that added/followed me on said sites. Here lately tho I have been feeling some type of way about said followers and people on my "friends" list. I'm not much for being on the social sites all day because I'm more of a gamer and I multitask a lot but the effort that it takes to be on these social media sites is so minuscule. I find it hard to believe that nobody likes my content, I find it harder to believe no one has the time to look at it or hit the "like", "re-tweet", "thumbs up" or "share" button. I find it even harder to believe that no one sees the things that I post. With me being in my feelings about this situation I have started a list of people that are actually supporting me during the "Road Trip" and in some type of way I will find a way to repay them, but oh the wrath I have brewing for the first person who remained ghost during this trip and approaches me on some "Hook me up" or anything to that magnitude, I promise they wont like me afterwards. Call me petty if you want to but I feel this is like football or basketball season and there is a trade deadline. If you aint on the team by the deadline you don't get a ring when we win the championship! (in know that's a stretched metaphor but so!) Oh well now that that's off my chest I'm bout to kick back and finish this shift and continue posting the video of the day!

Thanks for reading!
Follow anywhere @WhoIsOSmith

#GetRight #WhoIsOSmith #TheResumeEP

O. Smith Reloaded by @WhoIsOSmith

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Work Hard Play Hard RMX by @WhoIsOSmith

The beginning

This is my first time blogging and I'm not really sure how this works. The main reason I got this was to have an additional link under the share button on youtube to share my content! Any tips on how this works (Blogging) will be greatly appreciated.

Now that that's out of the way I am about to release my first official music release on 1-6-15! It will be available worldwide! I have shot the video for the single and the back up track as well as set release dates for them both. I got a tee shirt campaign I am setting up to run along side of the videos and shows! I'm so excited about this because I have been making and putting out music for the last 12-15 years and I have never taken advantage of the business side of it on this scale!

Stay tuned and enjoy the ride on The Road to #TheResumeEP by @WhoIsOSmith

Feel free to follow me on your favorite social media sites @WhoIsOSmith I have IG, FB, Twitter, Reverbnation, Soundcloud, Datpiff, etc!